Dear colleagues
Now we are ready for episode #4 with an article from 2017 authored by Sascha Hein, Javier Tapia and Panaghiotis Bazos, presenting a new approach to digital shade management called eLABor_aid. Since then technology has advanced … Read more
Our “discuss live with the author” continued with episode #3We discussed the “Clinical failures and shortfalls of Immediate Implant Procedures” authored by Hürzeler/Zuhr back in 2006 but still a highly discussed topic!!
Join also our new IJED Read more
Our “discuss live with the author” continued with episode #2 talking about a series of three articles, which triggered animated and emotional discussions before and after their publication back in 2008!Let’s discuss the “3 step technique” authored Read more
Our “discuss live with the author” had a great start with Pascal Magne talking about his article on waxup and mock-up for Veneers. Join also our new IJED Facebook group.
Stay tuned for more to come Read more